Saturday, 1 October 2011

Play smart

Guy has done a lot of charitable/community work over the years.  As the captain of the Montreal Canadiens, he was highly visible and put that visibility to good use.

One of my earliest memories of Carbonneau -- other than mispronouncing his first name (being the true Anglais that I am) and being corrected by a Habs-fan classmate -- is of owning this card.  It is an insert in the 1991-92 Pro Set hockey series and contains a message from Carbo on the back:

A couple of years ago, after attending a reception, I was arrested and lost my driver's licence for a year on a charge of drinking and driving under the influence of alcohol.  I now fully realize what could have happened:  I could have killed or injured someone or killed myself or seriously injured myself, which could have ended my hockey career.
For the above reason, I hope that you will agree to say like I do:  Never again.  Our lives and the lives of others are too precious to take such a risk.  Once again, please say no to drinking and driving.  

Carbo was approached by Pro Set because of his work with the provincial police in Quebec to spread the word about drinking and driving.  The card certainly had an impact on me as a youngster.

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