Saturday, 8 October 2011

2011 Dallas Stars Dr. Pepper Golf Classic roundup

On Monday, Carbo participated in the 2011 Dallas Stars Dr. Pepper Golf Classic, held at the Royal Oaks Country Club in Dallas.  The tourney raised close to $100,000 for the Dallas Stars Foundation, which supports local children's charities in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.

Guy, of course, is an avid golfer and won a hole contest -- closest to the pin on hole #4.  His prize was a Nike VR Wedge, which he generously donated to a raffle so guests at the awards dinner would have a chance to win prizes.  (Dallas Stars)


  1. He's generous enough to donate the prize to the guests. That makes him a good role model in the sports.

  2. It always warms my heart whenever I hear about these events for a cause. I bet the hundred grand was a huge help to these children.


    mill pond golf course
