Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Hockey, strength and blogging

I have already once blogged about the strength shown by Guy during the 1999 playoffs when his father, Charles-Aime, died suddenly.  I feel the need to revisit it again because it is something that speaks to me directly.

If I may talk about myself personally for a moment, some may wonder why I blog about Carbonneau.  It might seem odd to blog about an NHL player, even more so to blog about a former NHL player.  I started this blog not only in tribute to Guy, but also as something of an escape.  On June 27, my own father died of a sudden heart attack.  Guy lost his father the same way -- he said at the time that it "took everyone by surprise."  It is also true with me.  There were no warning signs.

To say that I miss my father is a huge understatement.  The two big heroes in my life are Guy Carbonneau, and my father.  It is an enormous loss.  And I find strength from Guy's example because there are plenty of days when I feel very sad and wonder if I can even keep going.  I cannot speak for Carbonneau's experience of grief -- but he played hockey through his loss, and won that Stanley Cup for his dad.  It inspires me.

It is funny because my dad hated hockey.  (He did, however, correctly predict the outcome of the 2010 Canada-USA gold medal game.)  He'd probably shake his head at me finding solace in hockey, and Carbo, and blogging.  But I do, and in part it's why I write this blog.  Not only because I feel that Guy deserves it, but it keeps me distracted, gives me something to focus towards.  

I hope that those of you who read this blog enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it.

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