Thursday, 4 December 2014

Carbo on Jean Beliveau; also, a strange video and a banana bread recipe

Habs icon Jean Beliveau passed away this week at the age of 83.  Guy did an interview with TSN Radio in which he talks about Beliveau's influence on his career.  You can find it here.

Here is a strange little video from RDS.  It's in French so I can't make heads or tails of what's going on, but Guy is dressed as a judge so it's certainly odd.  (If any of my Francophone readers would like to clue me in on what the video is about, it would be much appreciated.)  

And finally, here is something I meant to post long ago and just recently found again.  The recipe for Guy's favorite banana bread (from his wife Line) has surfaced on the Internet.  Here it is!

That's all for now -- but as one final note that has nothing to do with Carbo, this Sens fan would like to congratulate Daniel Alfredsson on a spectacular career and also to wish him a very happy retirement.  Thank you for your years of hockey and for your service to our community.  You're the best!

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