Monday, 22 February 2021

A home for my skates (finally); Carbo on Cameo

 Long time, no post!  Nursing school has taken over my life.  Hopefully I will get to post more often.

I have had my Carbo rookie game-worn skates for 12 years, and during that time I could never figure out the proper way to display them.  As a result I have had them in a box in my closet for the longest time which is an absolute crime because they are such a treasure.  Lately I started looking into display cases and found one from Michaels.  I took the plunge yesterday and am glad I did!  The display case I chose has a mirrored back and the skates fit in it perfectly.  Finally, my skates have a home.

The other newsworthy thing in this post (even though the skates are probably only newsworthy to me) is that Guy has recently joined the popular service Cameo, in which you can request customized video messages from favorite celebrities.  You can view his profile and request a message here.

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