Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Video of Guy's HHOF acceptance speech, among other things

Guy shows off his HHOF ring next to his plaque.  (Image source:  Twitter/@DallasStars)

NHL.com has posted video of Guy's acceptance speech from last night.  You can find it here.

In addition, Dave Stubbs of NHL.com spoke to many of Carbo's peers prior to the HHOF induction.  He has posted a round-up of those comments here.

Finally, the HHOF official website has posted many photos of the weekend's festivities.  Those galleries can be found here.

On a personal note, was Guy's HHOF induction worth my 12-year wait?  (Not as long as Guy had to wait, mind you!)  The answer is yes.  Absolutely yes.

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