Sunday, 28 January 2018

On signatures

You can't tell me that Guy doesn't have one of the most beautiful signatures in hockey.  I have many pieces of autographed Carbo memorabilia and I have long joked that if the Pawn Stars ever needed an expert to authenticate a Carbonneau signature, I'm their girl.  I can tell a real one from a fake a mile away.  Guy has signed his name thousands of times over the course of his career and it's interesting to see how his autograph has evolved over the years, so I thought I'd write a post on this interesting subject.  

From my collection, this is a photo of a very young Guy with the Nova Scotia Voyageurs (AHL), Montreal's farm team which Guy played for from 1980-82.  At this time Guy was still signing his full name but you can see the pattern of his signature starting to develop.  The exaggerated "C" in Carbonneau for example.  There is no "21" next to his name like you will see in later signatures, but this is to be expected as Guy wore the number 10 with Nova Scotia.

(photo source:  eBay)

These autographs were signed in 1984 and 1985 respectively.  Guy still signs with his first initial but here are the beginnings of what I think is the most unique part of his autograph:  the "CH" formed in the center, for Montreal Canadiens.  Even after being traded, Guy included this as part of his signature and continues to sign like this to this day, and I think it shows his pride at being a member of such a storied franchise.

And Guy's signature at current.  I used this particular example as the template for my tattoo:

There you have it!  And for what it's worth, if I had the chance to ask Guy any question I wanted I'd ask him what the strangest/most bizarre thing is that he's ever been asked to sign.  

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