Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Happy birthday, Guy; also, Guy in Dallas for Modano's jersey retirement

Happiest of birthdays to Guy, who turns 54 today.  May you have a blessed day!

(photo credit:  Dallas Stars)

Carbo was in Dallas recently to take part in Mike Modano's jersey retirement ceremony.  Blog reader James was there and sends in this report.

This past weekend I had the opportunity to fly my family out to Dallas for the big Mike Modano jersey number retirement ceremony.  It was an unbelievable experience for us all with a few extra surprises along the way.  The big deal for me was getting to see Guy and his wife get out of a limo and walk the green carpet into the American Airlines Center for the event.  It took a lot of effort but in the end we got close enough that I got Carbo’s attention and asked if he would sign my jersey.  Now, Guy had been signing hats and programs all along the route but when he saw I was wearing a 99 cup worthy #21 sweater he was very pleased.  He smiled and said “all right” when I turned around to show him the back.  I usually don’t let anyone sign my stuff but since this was Guy and the jersey is not a gamer I decided to make an exception.
I just want to say that the whole evening was spectacular and something the Stars organization should be praised for.  It was first class all the way.  They brought in so many important people who in some way, large or small, made a contribution to the life and career of Mike Modano.  That list included most of the 1999 SC championship team and it was awesome to see them together again for the occasion.  Oh, and Lord Stanley’s Cup was there as well… pretty cool.  Guy didn’t have a speaking role in the ceremony but his presence was certainly noticed.  There were plenty of fans yelling out his name after he was announced.  On that note,  It was slightly embarrassing when my wife yelled out, “Guy, my husband loves you” in front of a few thousand people who all knew she was referring to me.  It’s cool though… and true I guess in a totally hockey bro sort of way. 

James also sent in a few pictures:

Thanks for sharing your story, James!  So glad you got to meet Guy and your jersey looks fantastic signed.

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