Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Carbo on visors, & farewell to a Canadian icon

Scary injury to the Rangers' Marc Staal last night -- he took a slapshot right to the eye.  He is expected to make a full recovery, but his lack of a visor has once again ignited the debate about whether the NHL should make visors mandatory.  Here's what Carbo had to say about it:  when asked about it in 2000, he was against it, and said that it should be up to the players.  I'd be interested to know if his stance on the issue has changed any in the 13 years since then.  (link)

ETA:  On RDS Hockey 360 this evening, Guy commented that at the age of 18 years, a player can decide whether he wishes to wear a visor or not.  And there you have it -- no change in his opinion.

Also taking another small off-topic detour:

Stompin' Tom Connors, Canadian folk/country singer best known for "The Hockey Song" which is played in hockey arenas around the world, passed away today at the age of 77.  I'm an enormous fan -- my father and I were actually going to go see him live, but never got around to it.  Hard to believe that both Stompin' Tom and my father are now both gone.  He will be sorely missed.

Here's Stompin' Tom's performance of "The Hockey Song" at the NHL Awards in 2008.  This was the last year the awards were held in Toronto before the move to Las Vegas, and also the same year that Guy was nominated for the Jack Adams Award as best NHL head coach.

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