Sunday, 11 November 2012

The blogger meets Guy

This afternoon I was fortunate enough to attend a Habs alumni game in Ottawa, at the University of Ottawa sports complex.  This event was sponsored by the Franco-Ontarienne foundation and Desjardins.  And yes, Guy was on the roster.  I feel so lucky to have now seen him play "in person," even if it was years after he retired from the NHL.  He may be older and he may perhaps be a little slower, but everything that Diane Lau wrote in her marvelous 1999 essay Carbonneau at Ice Level still holds true today.  The man is absolute magic on the ice.  It is quite easy to imagine him taking flight.

After the game, there was an after-party at the Draft sports pub, which is also located in the sports complex. This is Guy Carbonneau, after all, and I found myself needing a beer to shore up my confidence to talk to him.  (Fortunately refreshments were provided with the price of the ticket.)  I finally made my way to the table where the Habs alumni were signing autographs, got my program signed by the team, and made my move.  I asked Guy for a picture.

I was temporarily thwarted by a malfunctioning camera flash.  Oh no!  "The flash is not on!" said Carbo, attempting to instruct the person I'd enlisted to take the picture.  This man, kind soul, absolute class act that he is, patiently waited through FIVE failed pictures.  In a panic, I hit every button on my camera that I could possibly think of and finally got the damn thing working.  Then, Guy graciously stood for another picture.

Here is the result.

Yes, that is your blogger, complete with blue hair and piercings.  As for Guy, this post could also serve as a State of the 'Stache update as the Mo is coming along quite nicely.  I didn't mention the blog -- I thought that would possibly be overkill -- but I did shake Guy's hand and tell him that I was one of his biggest fans, which I'm sure he's heard a million times before but in my case I believe it is really true.

I wonder if he noticed my necklace.

As a final note on this encounter, while I was waiting in line someone gave Carbo an absolutely beautiful photo of him to sign, a black and white of him when he was quite young.  It's rare when I find a Carbonneau photo I haven't seen before.  I wish I'd thought to ask the person where they got it.

I'd like to thank the Franco-Ontarienne foundation and Desjardins for putting on such a great event.  It was a blast!  Thanks especially to Philippe who was so kind and helpful when I ordered the tickets.

Finally, from heroes on the ice to heroes who I believe are far more important -- today is Remembrance Day.  I capped off my day by attending Poppy Day at my local tattoo studio.  Please take a moment today to remember those who have served and who currently serve, who protect us and fight for our freedom.

Lest we forget.  (tattoo by Genevieve Soulard, The Wizzard's Den, Petawawa ON, Canada)


  1. I'm so happy your dream finally came true! This is wonderful! And now you've experienced firsthand the awesomeness that is Guy. A moment to cherish forever...
