Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Rest in peace, Eddy Palchak

Eddy Palchak, former longtime Montreal Canadiens trainer and equipment manager, passed away on November 16 at the age of 71 following a long illness.  His funeral service was held today in Dorval, Quebec.  Carbo was at the service, sharing a pew with fellow Habs alumni Guy Lafleur, Yvan Cournoyer, and Rick Green.  With a sly grin, he said of Palchak's time with Les Glorieux:

“There was a lot of history in the old skate-sharpening room at the Forum.  If those walls could talk, they’d have told good stories and bad stories.”

Palchak was not only a trainer and equipment man, he was a member of the Habs family who left a great impact on those who went on to become legends.  (Montreal Gazette)

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